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Weekly Progress Post #13

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2024 11:46 pm
by Agonarchartist
4 Days till the end of Kickstarter.

It feels like a success.

I'm going to have to make some changes if I'm going to be able to survive on my own, in this new, everything is 100% more than it was world. I'll be reengineering my Patreon to focus on exclusive Sinless content. Perhaps scheduling some time to draw some traditional art, streamed. Suggestions are always welcome.

I'd like to survive based on the quality of my content, rather than my likeability as a person. Not that I'm not likeable, it's just managing a public persona while coping with schizophrenia is NO FUCKING JOKE.

I do a lot of magical thinking so going back through these is always fun with hindsight to see how blind my faith is sometimes. But what else are you gonna do.