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Weekly Progress Post #7

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2024 10:17 am
by Agonarchartist
I dunno. I'm in a great place.
The cover I'm working on for billionaire bounty is coming along.

I try not to be arrogant, because, you know, all the normal reasons. But I feel like a fucking genius using a 1970's style disaster movie poster as the cover. I mean, that whole thing was a combination of "What's going to happen to this large group of people". Using it in an RPG, where the players are in the box with all the other poor suckers.

Let me out of the box! -Virtuosity

Also: you probably want the person who can quote virtuosity to be making your cyberpunk game.

I've been wondering if the other cyber-sorcery alternatives are trash or any good, and now that sinless has it's own identity, I might have a look.