Weekly Progress Post #4

Discussion about the Cyber Sorcery Tabletop Role Playing Game
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Joined: Mon Mar 04, 2024 2:34 pm

Weekly Progress Post #4

Post by Agonarchartist »

This week was good.
We got the draft of the Corporate Dossier https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xjx ... sp=sharing out and accepting feedback.

We also finished up all the corporate assets and are moving into criminal assets.

The realities of time are causing me to shift priorities somewhat-I'm going to just do enough of the criminal/wasteland/military assets to finish the first pack of asset cards this week and get the print process started for that, and then we are going to spend the rest of this week and the next week preparing for the kickstarter (Quickstart/intro modules). This involves writing text, producing promotional materials, getting in touch with people for interviews, talking with my editor and artists, and setting up dates. Once that's all set up, we'll finish up the remaining 30 assets and get the second asset pack out.

I find it hard to understate the labor involved in this. There are 120 assets, that's 2 sixty card decks. These are more cards than in a normal deck of cards. And I'm doing full illustrations for each card.

Do other TTRPGS release with hundreds of pieces of art? I dunno. Maybe?

Again, remember. I have no idea what I'm doing. See you next week.